The official name of the Union is FEFKA Public Relation Officer's Union, known as FEFKA PRO union in short. The union is affiliated to Film Employees Federation of Kerala (FEFKA). As per the bylaw, the union can affiliate with any other federations which have a bylaw and activities agreeable to the FEFKA PRO union, subject to the decision of the general body.
Activities: Activities will include the coordination of PROs and working towards the fulfilment of objectives laid out in the bylaw.
Work relentlessly towards the betterment of professional and personal standards of PROs, support those who suffer from various challenges, and work together to solve the challenges faced by them.
Also, ideate and plan for the progress of all those who work in the field of film and come out with novel ideas to help improve the overall standards of the industry. Take an active role in executing such new ideas for everyone's benefit.
The union is committed to working towards ensuring better personal and professional relation, coordination and support among the members of this union.
Member's eligibility: Any PRO who worked for a minimum of 3 films in Kerala can join this union. Shall complete 18 years of age.
How to become a member: Those willing shall read the Bylaw of union and agree to work as per the bylaw of the union. Then submit an application in the prescribed form to General Secretary of the Union along with all the following fees.
Application fee: Rs.100
Joining Fee: Rs.500
Annual Fee: Rs.500
The authority to accept/ reject any application of membership is vested with Union's working committee, however, general secretary collect the application and submit the same for the General Body's approval.